Who Are We Orlando?

The unifying mission of GreenOrlandois to speak with diverse groups in the community that cares about our collective future.

“Quality of Life” is the buzz phrase of the decade. I see mention of it everywhere, from real estate ads to not for profit brochures, from city websites to radio spots.

As we reach out, we see so many who have devoted their lives to helping others, to serving a cause greater than themselves. Read the newspaper or watch the news and most of what you see is doom and gloom, crime and punishment, hype and noise. If you try and understand things only by looking at mainstream media, then it’s easy to conclude that the quality of life we all talk about is nothing more than hype. But, we know better. We live and work with people who work to make Orlando better, every day. By publishing their stories here, GreenOrlando can be a beacon of hope.

Each month, we need articles to tell your story. Each month we need interviews with people, and spotlights on organizations and companies that are doing great things in Central Florida. GreenOrlando is a good news publication. Is your business an excellent corporate steward? We want to hear about it.

Our agenda is simple: to tell the story of those who contribute to make Central Florida unique.

GreenOrlando needs your help.

Who are we Orlando?Like so many other Florida communities, we are deeply connected to our location. The common chord between the categories we write about is a love for the community, and a concern for its future. This built-in environmental ethic is about conserving, pitching in, resolving issues other communities ignore.

I love Orlando. I produce this publication to teach my kids that together, if we care, we can change the world–from putting an aluminum can in the recycle bin to saving water, from buying a painting from a local artist to supporting Daily Bread with donations of canned goods, we can all do a little bit to help.

Volunteer, give of your time. There is abundant need and opportunity for you to help. Together we can make Central Florida an oasis. By planning ahead and taking a hard look at resource and growth issues, we will have advantage over those who do not.

What will Orlando become? I reach out to you, to help me answer this question.

Contact and Connect.

Share a story, photo or video and be a part of a better future.