
GreenOrlando Launches

Touting the quickest DNS turnarounds ever known, GreenOrlando launches within hours of setup. Blogs, here we come.

Random Acts of Kindness and Absurd Acts of Brilliance

When I moved from Ohio in June of 2000 to the Melbourne beach area, the world was a different place then. We didn’t have a inclining of fear with the sound of a jet overhead, because we didn’t have our innocence ripped from us, as on that fateful day of September 11th 2001.


Gain Control Of Your Work Life

In the United States and many industrialized nations, we’re drowning in activity. Most of us have more than a safe number of plates spinning in the air: reports due, projects to manage, meetings to attend, doctor visits, home/auto maintenance, school activities, family responsibilities, finances… It’s no wonder that we plop on the sofa after a late dinner and just veg out.

The Synergistic Life

One of the greatest joys I’ve found since moving to Brevard County in 2003 is the opportunity to brainstorm potentially synergistic affiliations with other local professionals.

Relay For Life

The American Cancer Society is determined to ultimately eliminate cancer as a major health threat. While striving to reach this goal, the American Cancer Society works daily to save more lives until a cure is found.

Interview: Eric Needle, Giant3

What do you get when you add a strategic marketing firm, a design studio, an IT company, two development teams, an internet marketing company, and a public relations duo? You get serious talent, with almost no overhead. You get a lean, mean, communications team, who networks with most everyone in Brevard County. You get Giant3.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Florida has been serving the local community since 1975. The mission of the program is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported one-to-one relationships by developing the emotional, social, educational, and physical well being of the child.

What Do We Really Want For Our Children

It was late after dinner, almost bedtime, when my son, a first-grader, informed me in a distressed tone of voice that he had not done his school homework, which was due the next morning. Instinctively, I asked him “what are you going to do about it?”

It Takes a Village

The saying of course refers to the belief that it not only takes parents to raise a child successfully, but the process also needs grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and neighbors, teachers and pastors, even strangers. By joining together, the child benefits from the love, understanding, knowledge, as well as the watchful eyes, of many people working as a team to raise a happy, healthy child.

Interview: Larry Weber, Keep Brevard Beautiful

We recently had the opportunity to talk with Larry Weber, the Executive Director of Keep Brevard Beautiful. KBB is an incredible organization. Created in 1981, it has managed, directed and initiated a wide array of programs and have enlisted the help of thousands of our residents. From education and partnership with Brevard’s schools, to Adopt-A-Road and Adopt-A-Shore, to continual clean-ups Larry and his teams efforts have a profound impact.

Brevard Job Link

Brevard Job Link is a network of one-stop career centers offering a variety of no-cost services to job seekers and businesses. Currently we have over 1,700 available jobs listed for Brevard alone, in our system. Job seekers can access information, resources and links to help in your job search. Employers can access real time solutions to your workforce needs.

Stone Soup

Have you ever heard the story of Stone Soup? It’s one of those timeless stories that talks about how, by itself, a community can only get so far; the ingredients seem bland and lacking. But together, with everyone pitching just a few little scraps into the boiling water, we can stir together something wonderful, a tasty Stone Soup.