Interview: Sandy Foose, MOPs

MOPsMOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. It is an international organization with a mission of helping mothers understand and fulfill the philosophy “Because Mothering Matters.”

MOPS is about …
– Celebrating motherhood
– Meeting needs
– Making connections
– Experiencing God’s love…through relationships and resources.

I started going to the MOPS meetings at Hope Episcopal Church shortly after my first son, J.T. was born. I had felt a little lost and lonely – I was a new stay at home mom who missed the day to day interaction of coworkers and friends. Even though I was ready to be a stay at home mother, I didn’t feel totally prepared for this new role in my life. I was used to power lunches and managing a team of professionals. Now I was spooning strained apples into a small person whose skill set ranged mostly from babbling to flashing a toothless grin.

So I joined, not really knowing or realizing what I was getting into, but ready meet some other women who were experiencing the same things in their lives. Once there, I realized I was not alone. The mothers in the group share the same desire to raise our children knowing God, to reach their full potential and be the best they can be.

Mothers of PreschoolersWe meet twice a month through the school year. Mothers get a two hour break while our children are tenderly watched in the nursery and classroom. Our meetings usually consist of a speaker and lively discussion.

Our theme for this year is Fresh Fruit: Growing a Life that Matters, taken from the Galatians verses, The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23.

We have had a wide variety of speakers this year that help us focus on this theme – from a talk about creative discipline techniques to a chiropractor and massage therapist. Once a month, we exercise our creative muscles with a craft. Each meeting is filled with food, fun and loads of conversation. The friendships I have formed through MOPS will last long past the preschool years.

The connection with these women is real and built on a solid foundation – that Mothering Matters.

If you are interested in experiencing what MOPS is all about, please join us on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 9:30 – 11:30 at Hope Episcopal Church or contact Sandy Foose at 242-7727 for more information.

You can also read more about MOPS International at the official website,