Articles Supports Green Building

Founded in 1997, is America’s leading online gourmet food and gift retailer. They recently announced their desire to help sustainable development not-for-profit, Community Greenhouse Foundation.

ONE Sabbath

As ONE members, we care. We care about the child orphaned by HIV/AIDS. We care about the village that lacks access to clean water. And we care about the millions of people throughout the developing world who will go to bed hungry tonight. For many of us, that caring is borne of our faith.

Alternative Energy Car Rally

The free event includes performance testing, autocross, workshops and a popular road rally. All types of powered vehicles from solar, fuel cell, electric and hybrid will participate.

Florida Greenways and Trails

With more than 5,000 miles of trails and 80,000 acres of greenway, Florida provides residents and visitors of all ages and abilities with year-round access to a wide variety of free health and fitness activities.

Communities Worth Writing About

Have you ever been to a city that has a great bike trail? Last week we rode some of Orlando’s bike paths, including the West Orange Trail, It took us straight through Winter Garden, FL and what a transformation this town has made to it’s downtown.

Hearts for Baghdad

Daily, we’re reminded about the violence and chaos that is Iraq. Not so readily available are ways to help. Many people have asked about how to make donations, for deployed troops and how to help the Iraqis. Here are a few things I’ve found.

The Power of Verse

I stumbled onto a site, looking for the lyrics of a Sixpence None the Richer Song. Whenever it comes up in my iTunes shuffle, I sing along, whether I know the words or not. But since Puedo Escribir is in Espanol, even my abilities to butcher the real lyrics were hard pressed to make sense of it. What is this haunting melody singing about? An epic story of love lost, words of praise or teen age angst amid a storm of grief.

Natural Florida Landscaping

My lawn is a mess. If it’s not the drought–its too much rain. The bugs, the weeds, the bare spots in the grass, living near Florida’s coast just doesn’t seem to make for a nice, livable yard. That is unless, you change the way you think about it.

When we built our home, the builder touted that “everything was included”. The sprinkler system and landscaping all came with the deal. Yet, a few years later, we really have to work at it to keep the those pesky homeowner association letters at bay. A new book by Pineapple Press is finally helping me see why. Natural Florida Landscaping, by Dan Walton and Laurel Schiller, is a great little book that explains the cause of many of my landscaping woes.

Clean Tech Revolution

Talk radio host Laura Ingraham recently went against political lines as she interviewed author Clint Wilder about his latest book, The Clean Tech revolution. She started her bit, noting that when she picked up the book, she expected to read global warming hype and Al Gore political rhetoric. She was amazed by the basic premise, one that those familiar with the green building world have been trying to get out to the public for the last decade. We can use technology to make our world a better place. And businesses who lead this new tech wave will thrive.

Homegrown Biodiesel

Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services is assisting Florida farmers and ranchers in producing bio-fuel crops to help reduce the nation’s dependency on foreign oil. Commissioner Bronson believes that Florida can be a leader in the effort of producing energy from crops and timber because of the vast amount of farm acreage in the state and its mild climate, which permits crops to be grown virtually year round.