What Do You Mean by Green?

Forest scape“Green” can mean many things. For us, it first defines the natural beauty of Brevard County and our desire to see it preserved. But beyond environmental issues, thinking “green” encompasses many aspects of intentional living that keep us balanced, healthy and inspired.

GreenBrevard is not politically motivated. We hope to be a forum where issues are raised, as opposed to a mouthpiece for biases on one side of an issue. GreenBrevard, although story- and article-driven, is not traditional media. Rather, we’re concerned about where our community is going and hope to positively contribute to our future.

What is Green?There is currently a renaissance occurring in the world of building, planning and engineering. New technologies, attitudes and awareness are infusing traditional development with the desire of producing less impact on our environment. Called “sustainable development” or “green building,” this awakening is simply a long term approach to development that seeks to reduce energy use, water demand and overall environmental impact. The name GreenBrevard symbolizes a forward-looking focus, realizing that Brevard County, true to its high-tech roots, could be a model for the state and nation on how to grow, thrive and live with the land.

We recognize that this emerging renaissance in long-term thinking applies not just to growth, environmental and economic opportunities, but to the forward-thinking potential of the human mind and spirit. Hence, our approach discusses why it is important to be regularly inspired by art; to keep balance between work, family and recreation; to be ethical; to cultivate an active faith; to be mentally and physically fit; to be a wise steward of your time, talents and resources; to encourage sustainable development; and to be a team player. This intentional lifestyle helps us to grow, thrive and live with ourselves.

We hope you enjoy the information we present, and respond as you feel led. GreenBrevard is updated monthly, so visit us often and become involved in your local community on behalf of these big-picture issues.