What Will Brevard County Look Like in 5, 10, 20 Years?

Traffic JamThat’s the question that started this effort. With Brevard County’s current rapid development, concerned citizens must ask themselves, “What will life be like if we do not take steps to manage growth? What is the net result of a “business as usual” attitude? What will a lack of vision and guidelines for responsible development produce? Will the Space Coast resemble other portions of Florida and the nation, where congestion and urban sprawl rule the day?”

Growth issues span beyond our air, land and water—the rapid pace of life also impacts our states of mind, lifestyles and how we invest ourselves in each other, and requires some intentional and critical thinking. The way we address growth will shape Brevard’s tomorrow.

Those with a business perspective know that growth is essential for the community. Development is a driving economic force that will shape Brevard. At the same time, environmental advocates demand preservation of natural treasures as key to retaining our quality of life on the Space Coast. In fact, so much of Brevard’s economic success depends on retaining, preserving and improving beaches, rivers, wildlife and ecosystems, aspects that make our county unique. Both perspectives deeply care about Brevard’s future, and both need to be addressed as we determine who we are now and who we want to become. Each person along the 72-mile Space Coast is affected and has a stake.

Is there a middle ground, a table of consensus? We believe there is, and this publication hopes to be a bridge-building resource for the community by addressing one underlying issue: Quality of Life. What contributes to quality of life? What defines and differentiates a good place to live from a great one?

Traffic JamWe hope to answer these questions with GreenBrevard. We’ve identified several key areas of focus, in an effort to define holistic, multi-dimensional quality of life. Thinking through these broad categories can help us to collectively preserve and enhance who we are as individuals and as a community.

Brevard Tomorrow, in its Getting to Smart Growth report, states: “Brevard’s growth rate is nearly three times the national average and our population has reached 500,000, signaling an immediate need to plan Brevard’s future. Consider this: Between 1943 and 1990, developed land increased by over 500 percent. Coastal strand, flatwoods, and scrub decreased by over 50 percent. This begs the question: Do we continue to grow based upon the push and pull of market forces, or do we strategically direct our growth?”

We need your help; be a part in shaping Brevard’s future.