Author Archive: Eric Needle

Clean Tech Revolution

Talk radio host Laura Ingraham recently went against political lines as she interviewed author Clint Wilder about his latest book, The Clean Tech revolution. She started her bit, noting that when she picked up the book, she expected to read global warming hype and Al Gore political rhetoric. She was amazed by the basic premise, one that those familiar with the green building world have been trying to get out to the public for the last decade. We can use technology to make our world a better place. And businesses who lead this new tech wave will thrive.

Idealists Unite

I recently discovered I was an idealist. Well, I’ve always been passionate about many aspects of life. I’ve always volunteered and worked with many non profit groups to make my community a better place. Yet it wasn’t until recently that someone labeled me as an idealist.

Webster says an idealist is “one guided by ideals; especially one that places ideals before practical considerations.” It leads that an idealist is “an adherent of a philosophical theory of idealism; an artist or author who advocates or practices idealism in art or writing.”

Nature Conservancy Preserves Land to Protect Diversity

Since 1951, The Nature Conservancy has been working in partnership with local communities, government agencies and private businesses to protect the natural landscapes that harbor the diversity of plant and animal life on Earth. Our mission is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. The Nature Conservancy works in all 50 United States and in more than 30 countries around the world.

One Simple Step to Saving Gas

Three dollar gas is impacting the American psyche, but in ways you’d never have expected. You might think we’d see dramatic changes in the way we live and drive, yet the opposite is true. Instead of market price slowing consumption, the price must still not be high enough the make anyone second guess their driving habits. I’m shocked. Despite almost four thousand dead US servicemen and women, despite rising gas, despite world economic climate, the price of gas does not seem to be openly effecting us. And drivers where I live aren’t slowing down.

Should Coca Cola Help Save The Polar Bears?

The polar ice fields are melting. Blame it on whomever you like; debate the cause; argue about global warming. The reality is we are seeing massive change in our world today. If you look at satellite photos you can easily see the dramatic, speedy retreat of the northern polar ice cap.

The Trouble with Conservation

Again, energy issues capture the headlines and again we see a call for fuel conservation. Isn’t it amazing how often we return round about back to where we’ve started–with no real change or action to be seen?

7th Annual Turtle Krawl

Join us for a family fun 10K bike or skate and 5K run or walk to benefit the Sea Turtle Preservation Society.

Sugar In My Tank

I’ve been following transportation and energy news for quite some time. It seems impossible to see real change in ou lifetimes. Yes, we see new technology, we experience glimmers of hope, but ultimately nothing changes. That’s why news in Brazil is so exciting.

Florida Friendly Landscaping

Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection has launched a great new site, called! Complete with Florida plant guide and an interactive flash Do-It-Yourself guide, the site is a nifty resource, and I recommend you go visit.

In Search of Greener Printing

For years we’ve known about the inportance of using recycled papers and the environmental hazards of the printing process. And for years, some have made excellent progress in the field, while many are still unaware of the benefits of printing cleaner and greener.

To Build A Dream

Dr. King is an inspiration–and shows us how great America can become if we work together towards the common good. So much is in place to divide us. We need to build bridges–and there is a group working to build a monument in our nation’s capital that does so.

The Green Guide

The Green Guide is a great place to find information about green products and services. Practical, reliable, easy-to-use, a one-stop-information-shop, the Green Guide is “the first place I go for real green product information and advice,” says Maria Rodale, Vice-Chair of Rodale, Inc and founding editor of Organic Style magazine.